
Mick Campbell

Certified MPM and CIPM professionals value AAPM® endorsement of Steve and Mick Campbell's OPPM™ methodology in their courses. Confirming the benefits of OPPM™ is author Eric Verzuh. He has given an objective testimonial on why it is a critical PM tool. Verzuh claims it meets the minimums needed for effective management he has identified as the Five Project Success Factors in his widely held book, The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management. In using the lens of his five factors to assess the OPPM, he was impressed how it contributed to all of them Noted Below: 

Agreement among the project team, customers, and management on the goals of the project. The OPPM clearly and concisely states the project’s goal ..., with sub-objectives listed . Together, these provide clarity to key stakeholders about the purpose and scope of the project. 

A plan that shows an overall path and clear responsibilities and that can be used to measure progress during the project. This may be the OPPM’s greatest strength – synthesizing and summarizing the de tails of the project plan and task status to provide a useful high-level understanding of the plan and our progress. 

A controlled scope. Uncontrolled scope is the number one threat to on-time, on-budget performance. Uncontrolled scope means we allow additional tasks and objectives to be added to a project without consciously and formally accepting the related cost and schedule increases. Using the OPPM, it is clear what our major tasks are, when we will meet major schedule milestones, and how much we plan to spend. Changes that attempt to creep into the project will become visible in one or more of these dimensions quickly, providing notification to the project manager and the project’s owners that they need to contain the change. 

His Conclusion - The age-old problem is getting busy executives to engage based upon accurate project information. This was the genesis of the OPPM: creating a single project dashboard that enables meaningful, informed involvement from managers with multiple projects under their span of control.

CIPM和MPM认证课程融入了AAPM对Steve和Mick Campbell的OPPM™方法的认可。另外,作家Eric Verzuh通过其著作充分证实了OPPM™的作用。他客观地说明了为什么OPPM是一个关键的项目管理工具。Verzuh认为,OPPM满足了有效管理所需的最低要求,他在广为流传的《The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management》一书中指出了项目成功的五个因素。在使用他的五个因素的镜头来评估OPPM时,他印象深刻的是它是如何促成所有这些因素的。如下所示:






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