AAPM(中国区)“绿色项目管理” 评选通知

American Academy of Project Management (China) Announcement of "Green Project Management" Appraisal

AAPM项目管理学会(中国区)“绿色项目管理” 评选通知

In order to promote the in-depth development of green project management concepts and practices, commend individuals and units that have made outstanding contributions in this field, and to establish models for green project management, American Academy of Project Management (AAPM) is now conducting the appraisal of "Green Project Management Industry Leader", "Green Project Management Demonstration Unit" and "Green Project Management Best Practice". The specific notice is as follows:


1. Appraisal Content

1.1 Green Project Management Industry Leader (GPM Industry Leader): an individual with outstanding achievements and wide influence in the field of green project management.

1.2 Green Project Management Demonstration Unit (GPM Demo Unit): A unit that has achieved remarkable results in green project management practice and has a demonstration and leading role.

1.3 Green Project Management Best Practice (GPM Best Practice): Green project management practice cases that are innovative, practical and scalable.

1. 评选内容

1.1 绿色项目管理领军人物(GPM Industry Leader):在绿色项目管理领域具有卓越成就和广泛影响力的个人。

1.2 绿色项目管理示范单位(GPM Demo Unit):在绿色项目管理实践中取得显著成效,具有示范引领作用的单位。

1.3 绿色项目管理卓越实践(GPM Best Practice):具有创新性、实用性和可推广性的绿色项目管理实践案例。

2. Appraisal Requirements

2.1 Green Project Management Industry Leader:

2.1.1 Had profound theoretical foundation and rich practical experience in the field of green project management;

2.1.2 Achieved significant results in the green project management concept, method or technological innovation;

2.1.3 Had high reputation and influence in the industry.

2.2 Green Project Management Demonstration Unit:

2.2.1 Achieved remarkable results in green project management practices, such as resource conservation, environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction;

2.2.2 Had a sound green project management system and mechanism;

2.2.3 Had a wide range of demonstration and reference value among the industry.

2.3 Green Project Management Best Practice:

2.3.1 The practice cases are innovative, practical and extendable;

2.3.2 Effective green management measures were taken during the implementation of the case;

2.3.3 Remarkable green and social benefits have been achieved after the implementation of the case.

2. 参选条件

2.1 绿色项目管理领军人物:

2.1.1 在绿色项目管理领域有深厚的理论基础和丰富的实践经验;

2.1.2 在绿色项目管理理念、方法或技术创新方面取得显著成果;

2.1.3 在行业内具有较高知名度和影响力。

2.2 绿色项目管理示范单位:

2.2.1 在绿色项目管理实践中取得显著成效,如资源节约、环境保护、节能减排等;

2.2.2 具有完善的绿色项目管理制度和机制;

2.2.3 在行业内具有广泛的示范和借鉴价值。

2.3 绿色项目管理卓越实践:

2.3.1 实践案例具有创新性、实用性和可推广性;

2.3.2 案例实施过程中采取了有效的绿色管理措施;

2.3.3 案例实施后取得了显著的绿色效益和社会效益。

3. Application Materials

Notice:No fees will be charged for this Appraisal.

Please fill in the corresponding declaration form and provide detailed declaration materials as required.

3.1 Green Project Management Industry Leader:

3.1.1 Green Project Management Industry Leader (GPM Industry Leader) application form (Annex 1).

3.1.2 Scanning copy of ID card, academic degree certificate.

3.1.3 Scanned copies of published papers, innovations, patents and other certificates (if any).

3.1.4 Scanned copies of personal evaluation, certification and commendation (if any).

3.2 Green project Management Demonstration Unit:

3.21 Green Project Management Demonstration Unit (GPM Demo Unit) application form (Annex 2)

3.2.2 Scanned copy of unit business license.

3.2.3 The relevant evidentiary materials of the five dimensions, see Annex 2 for specific requirements.

3.2.4 Scanned copies of evaluation, certification and commendation (if any).

3.3 Green Project Management Best Practice:

3.3.1 Green Project Management Best Practice (GPM Best Practice) application form (Annex 3)

3.3.2 Project case, please refer to Annex 3 for specific requirements.

3.3.3 Scanned copies of case related evaluation, certification and commendation (if any).

3. 申报材料



3.1 绿色项目管理领军人物:

3.1.1 绿色项目管理领军人物(GPM Industry Leader)申报表(附件1)。

3.1.2 身份证件、学历学位证书扫描件。

3.1.3 发表论文、创新成果、专利等证明扫描件(如果有)。

3.1.4 个人相关评价、认证、表彰扫描件(如果有)。

3.2 绿色项目管理示范单位:

3.2.1 绿色项目管理示范单位(GPM Demo Unit)申报表(附件2)

3.2.2 单位营业执照扫描件。

3.2.3 五个维度的相关证明材料,具体要求详见(附件2)。

3.2.4 单位相关评价、认证、表彰扫描件(如果有)。

3.3 绿色项目管理卓越实践:

3.3.1 绿色项目管理卓越实践(GPM Best Practice)申报表(附件3)

3.3.2 项目案例,具体要求详见(附件3)。

3.3.3 案例相关评价、认证、表彰扫描件(如果有)。

4. Application Process

4.1 Material submission:Relevant application materials should be sent to the designated email address (aapmchina@aapm.org.cn) before September 15th, and indicate "GPM+ Industry Leader + Name of applicant", "GPM+ Demon unit + Name of unit", "GPM+ Best Practice + Name of case" in the email subject according to the application items.

4.2 Material review: AAPM China Expert Committee GPM Review panel will review the application materials and determine the shortlist.

4.3 Headquarters filing: AAPM Beijing Representative Office will report the result to AAPM headquarters for filing and final confirmation.

4.4 Recognition and awards: The individuals and units awarded in 2024 will be announced and commended at the "1st International Forum on Innovation and Development of Engineering Construction" held on October 23.

4. 申报流程

4.1 材料提交:9月15日前将相关申报材料至指定邮箱(aapmchina@aapm.org.cn),并根据申报项目在邮件主题中注明“GPM+领军人物+申报姓名”、 “GPM+示范单位+单位名称”、“GPM+卓越实践+案例名称”。

4.2 材料审核:AAPM中国专家委员会GPM评审小组将对申报材料进行审核,确定入围名单。

4.3 总部申请:美国项目管理学会北京代表处(AAPM)将对入围名单报至AAPM项目管理学会总部进行备案申请,并做最终确认。

4.4 表彰奖励:对2024年获奖的个人和单位,将在10月23日举行的“首届工程建设创新发展国际论坛”上进行公布和表彰。

5. Deadline

The deadline for 2024 applications is September 15th 2024, and late applications will not be accepted.

5. 截止日期


6. Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact the Secretariat of the Green Project Management Review Committee (Tel: 010-53671091, email: aapmchina@aapm.org.cn).

We look forward to your active participation to jointly promote the vigorous development of green project management.

6. 联系方式




Annex 1 Green Project Management Industry Leader (GPM Industry Leader) application form

Annex 2 Green Project Management Demonstration Unit (GPM Demo Unit) application form

Annex 3 Green Project Management Best Practice (GPM Best Practice) application materials

附件1、绿色项目管理领军人物(GPM Industry Leader)申报表.doc

附件2、绿色项目管理示范单位(GPM Demo Unit)申报表.doc

附件3、绿色项目管理卓越实践(GPM Best Practice)申报材料.doc


AAPM Beijing Representative Office


July 4, 2024



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